Monday, July 26, 2010

From Work to Play

Are you looking looking for a style you can wear to work and turn it into a sexy outfit for a night on the town?

Look no further because the Rose Embellished Top in pink by Glam ($48) (first picture above) and the Girl's Night Out Tank Top in purple by Collective Concepts ($55) (second picture above) double as work saavy tops, as well as chic nightlife attire. Transporting your mind and body from work mode to play mode is now easier than ever. Pair either top with a cardigan, blazer or jacket at work and when quitting time comes, take them off for a perfect nightlife outfit that will leave you with out a care in the world. Also, try changing out of your typical run-about-the-office/commuting shoes to strappy stilettos and put on a little more bling to add even more spice to your night.

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